Value Investments can be hard to find. The companies that I will profile are all from big emerging economies such as China, Brazil, Indonesia, and Malaysia (to name a few). They are all real companies with consistent and growing revenue streams that have had valid audits. Let's find them together!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New Companies!

Looking forward, keep your eyes on ACRB as they are going to start rising on their continued growth.  I recently got my hands on a list of Chinese companies that are traded here in the US and am going through it trying to pull some of the gems out of it.  Some of these are obviously known which would not make them hidden gems at all.  If you know of any of these types of companies coming out of other emerging economies please let me know and I will do my best to highlight them and put my own analysis into each one.

Something to chew on while I wade through the new information I just got my paws on, read this.It is intriguing that Goldman Sachs is thinking similarly to most of the people I talk with. . .if the buzz is starting that Chinese companies are going to buzz through the second half of 2011, I would suggest following my lead, as well as others, and get in now at lower prices before the undervalued become market value. 

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